Sunday, December 13, 2015

Cost of Living in Costa Rica

Depending on where you are coming from, Costa Rica is relatively inexpensive overall. Most foreigners from Northern America, Europe and the West Indies (like smaller island countries) find this to be the case especially for real estate, health care and labor.
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Consider the example of real estate. The average mid 30 or 40 something professional middle class Swiss and Brit is still unable to buy property at home. However, if they were to swap their tiny one bedroom city apartment for real estate in Costa Rica, they can easily get several acres of prime real estate. While small island states like those of the West Indies are becoming too costly for the average middle income foreign investor, Costa Rica’s larger land mass provides considerably more land to keep it less costly.
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However, from my experience, international people are also unanimous in considering Costa Rica as the most or among the most costly of the Central American countries. I agree as cost relates to most things that include real estate, accommodation for visitors, vehicles, appliances and food. Be that as it may, you can cut these relatively high costs by adopting the Costa Rican life style in one or several ways. For instance, a Costa Rican diet or Costa Rican styled homes are far less costly than the American versions. In the case of a typical Costa Rican diet, it is usually more natural and healthy. Being the natural environment that it is, Costa Rica also offers a year round abundance of fresh fruits, vegetables and medicinal plants.

Mercado Central of San Jose, Costa Rica. Fruits and vegetables are plentiful. Other low cost options include Coca Cola a few blocks away.
Physalis peruviana called "uchuva" in Costa Rica
Uchuva fruit

Consequently, this matter of relative high costs may be somewhat of a non issue when considering the more significant saving gained through the real estate purchase (which is usually one’s single greatest investment) against the higher costs of smaller items that may be substituted for cheaper local versions.

However, before throwing caution to the wind and jumping on the Costa Rica bandwagon, keep some other very noteworthy considerations. Among other things, these include considerations before buying real estate in Costa Rica, the black experience in Costa Rica (or Central America) and so on.


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